Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Hacks For Healthy Skin

Yale Popowich, MD

Our skin is the largest organ of our body and something that we care too little about. We need to be more careful about our skin and what problems it faces. 

It shows the extent to which you are taking care of your skin. A clear and healthy skin shows that you are taking care of it; on the other hand, irritated skin in any manner shows the opposite that you have not been taking care of it at all. 

To help all those who want to have great skin, we have compiled a list of hacks to get more healthy skin. Read below to learn more about it. 

  • Always eat a healthy diet

This is very important to remember that you always eat a very healthy diet. If you don’t eat a healthy diet, that can start showing up on your skin, which is not good. A million foods help provide the best nutrients and vitamins to help our skin glow and become the best version of itself. 

Eat foods that can help your skin breathe and glow at the same time. Eating junk and unhealthy food can sometimes be okay, but if you eat a lot of junk food, it can start showing up on your skin, which is not suitable for the skin and health. 

  • Stay away from stress and anxiety

Mental health is something that shows up on your skin as well. The same is the case when it comes to stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are some of the most common mental health problems, and people suffering from them cannot have glowing skin. Stress shows up on your skin in the form of itchy skin, hair loss, rashes, flaky or rough patches on the scalp, and many more. 

  • Keep your skin moisturized

Moisturizing your skin daily is not a luxury, but rather, it’s a need. The skin needs to be moisturized so that it maintains all its nutrients that it needs to grow. Use lotions and other moisturizers that are good for skin and the ones that match your skin type. Create a proper routine and follow it to see that your skin looks more hydrated and glowing. Also, choose moisturizers according to your skin type. Using the one against your skin type can tend to damage your skin more than you can imagine. 

Key Takeaway

So, now you know how important it is to take care of your skin, and you can use the hacks mentioned above to effectively take care of your skin. Happy skincare!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Tips For Managing Time For Healthcare Professionals


Yale Popowich, MD

If you are a part of the healthcare system, you are doing a challenging and different job, and you need to be sure that you can manage everything. If not, then it can be a problem for you and disrupt the entire work routine that you might have. 

To help you better manage your field, we have mentioned some of the tips for managing your time if you are especially a healthcare professional. 

Tips for managing your time

  • Remember to establish your goal.

This is an essential thing to do when it comes to your task. All of your goals should be managed appropriately, and the first thing to that is establishing your goal. Write down everything that you want to achieve gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Spend a few minutes before the start of every week to establish your goals. 

  • Prioritize your daily tasks

Another essential thing to do is to prioritize your daily tasks. Once you know the list of tasks that you want to accomplish in a day, you will be distracted to the minimum and have more time to get your work done as soon as possible. Also, as soon as you are done, mark off that task from the list to help you stay on track. You will be surprised how well you can work and balance everything together. 

  • Don’t hesitate to use technology.

The best thing to do is to use technology. You may have a diary with yourself and forget to write down all the essential things. Using a technology-based system can help you to manage and organize your things more efficiently. It will save your time and the time of your patients. You can also install applications that can help you interact with your teams and provide them with the required instructions as quickly as possible. 

  • Learn to say No!

Learn to say NO! Period. You must learn to say No when required. You have your own set of tasks, but if you are only focused on doing work assigned to you by others, you will never be able to work on your own. Help others when you can, but when you can’t, the best practice is to say No and move on. 

Key Takeaway

A healthcare professional’s job can be overwhelming and can be exciting, but managing your time can help create ease for them.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

3 Incredible Tips for Physicians

Yale Popowich, MD

Being a physician is no easy task. You have to listen and diagnosis hundreds of patients on the go with a variety of different problems and symptoms, prescribe the correct medication, tests, and so much more. Here are three tips to make sure you’re not just good at what you do but the best you can be.

Be compassionate

Being a great doctor doesn’t mean you stop your learning to the medical realm, but also branch out and learn communication and proper patient care. No one likes a stoic physician who has no sense of what to say or do. Make sure to be communicative, listen effectively, provide the right comfort and keep your patients comfortable, safe, and happy. Many experienced doctors forget to put this focus on their compassion and social skills and end up with too much knowledge, but no patients.

Get Feedback

Regardless of how well your practice may be going, there is always room to get better. Make sure to get feedback from your patients on how you may be able to improve and better yourself in terms of knowledge, skills, and conduct. It is essential that you do this as no one will give you better advice than the ones who are directly impacted by your actions. In extension to this, it is also important ot act on the feedback and make a conscious effort to get better rather than just receiving feedback and never doing anything about it.

Keep Studying

Only the most arrogant of professionals would think that their learning days are a thing of the past. There is always more to be learnt, studied, and discarded. Attend seminars and keep new journals on hand to make sure your knowledge and skills are up to date with the modern era and that you can provide the best patient care you possibly can.

There are loads of other things you can do too, but these tips are ones that most senior doctors place a lot of importance on, despite their relatively simple nature. Oftentimes, we ignore the simpler things that make our very foundation and it is important to keep an eye on what truly matters.